The “Business Environment” Of Living Arrangements Critical Thinking Sample

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Family, Women, Life, Wife, Husband, Basement, Law, Vehicles

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/10/07

The relationship between a husband and a wife vary on different factors. One of those factors is sharing all details of life. It is really important to acknowledge, that social environment play a huge role in the life of the couple, where they live. This means, that personal objects should be staying on its place and shouldn’t be moved. Both family members can share one subject, as Netflix account, where they can both enjoy their favorite TV shows and movies, or watch it separately, without minding asking a permission. As we relate to fundamental expectation, sharing space such as workplace with desktop computer can be regarded as common. Usually a husband or a wife do own their personal laptop, but sometimes, when desktop is more powerful – they share it. Normally both family members have their own living arrangement policies (rules). We can truly agree, that man and woman have the authority to make them. If man respect his wife, he will always agree as she says, but some things shouldn’t be touched. If an accident happen, verbal note is given to revise the rules. Sometimes a conflict happen due to misunderstandings from each side: a man or a woman wants that item or object kept by their way and the best elucidation for this problem is to find compromise, then the problem will easily dislocate. If a husband or a wife have their own car – it’s great, but we know, that a family can have only one car. At this rate, both family members can share one car in use to grab kids from school or kindergarten or other personal goals. There could be a lot of tensions between family members regarding building living arrangements. For example: husband wants to make a gym in one of the big rooms and a wife wants to make a hot tub there. Basement can be concerned, for different goals or expectations. A man can recreate a basement for his “batcave” where he can make all fun stuff, as card or video games, table tennis or other way to spend time with friends. And a wife can use basement, where you could store different stuff or dry up the laundry. The ideas may vary. From my point of view, there would be no conflict or tensions regarding living arrangements, as these authorities are married and sleep and eat together, so having conflict about thus would be nonsense. “Business dimensions” is a delicate question, which should be discussed in the beginning of the relationship. If both family members do work, they can make one family budget and then take money on what is needed, or to each of authorities can spend money on their needs, but such thing as gas, living rent and food are paid from both sides. A good metaphor for policy environment can be religion. Both family members can have different religions, but each of the family member must stricly obey the rules of a person, which they live close to.

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