The Importance Of Civil Service In Our Communities Essay Samples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Government, Politics, Services, Community, People, Public, Mail, Time

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/12/29

There are a number of very important reasons to participate in civil service. Before discussing the important reasons that civil service exists, however, it is important to understand what civil service is. Civil service can refer to governmental employees or volunteers that work in a branch of government that serve the public in some way. People who work for the government are sometimes called “civil servants,” because they work for and are employed by taxpayer monies. In many places, referring to people as civil servants is a somewhat derisive term, but in reality, civil servants are incredibly important for the proper functioning of a community and government as a whole. Without civil servants, the government could not perform many important tasks, and would become obsolete and incapable of serving its citizens.
Depending on the region and the department, civil servants may have a number of different tasks. For instance, in many places, garbage collection is part of the government; these individuals are, in fact, civil servants. Without individuals working in garbage collection, it would be impossible to keep cities and communities clean. Many people only deal with civil servants when they have to, and some have had bad experiences with civil servants; as a result, there is a stereotype that civil servants are somewhat lazy and incapable of working in the private sector. However, in reality, civil servants are just as important—if not more important—to the proper function of a government or a community as those individuals who work in the business sector.
Understanding the importance of civil servants in a given community is very important, as many of these people work in very invisible jobs. They may have jobs that are fundamental cogs in the machine of the government, but they are largely invisible from the public as a whole. Public servants are often only brought into the limelight when they have committed some wrong, or done something that has angered the populace. When civil servants are doing everything they should be doing and working hard at their jobs, they are largely ignored. For instance, mail carriers are also civil servants; no one thinks about the mail service unless something is lost or broken on the way to its destination. The rest of the time, the mail service is just taken for granted because it is something that works most of the time.
Effective civil service is, essentially, invisible civil service. These individuals perform fundamental tasks for the community and the government of a region, and they are largely ignored for it; when something goes wrong, however, it can become very problematic. In the United States, when Hurricane Katrina hit, mistakes were made with the relief effort, and the media crucified the civil servants responsible. However, there are fires nearly every year in California, and because the response has always been good, there has been little media coverage regarding the fires and the people responsible for handling them.
It is impossible to create and run a government without civil servants. They are very important for the proper structure and function of a government, and trying to cut them out of the system entirely would be utterly disastrous for the overall success of a community or government as a whole.

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