The Psychological Effect Of The Death Of A Parent On The Bereaved Adult Dissertation Results Samples

Type of paper: Dissertation Results

Topic: Death, Parents, Hypothesis, Theory, Information, Relationships, Age, Adult

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2021/02/18


Choosing appropriate number of people as the sample population is an important part of sampling that greatly affects the results of a research . The age of each participant plays an important role in researches carried out in the field of social sciences . Gender also plays a critical role in conducting research in social sciences and it affects the results to a significant level .
The mean age and the standard deviation in age shows how much normalized the demographics of the respondents are in a given study . There is a large number of data analysis techniques present in the field of statistics .
The TTBQ2-70 (two-track bereavement questionnaire) is used in this research to conduct the survey which enables acquisition of effective results through generating overall score of the data, interval-data and parametric analysis of the data acquired from the respondents . In order to effectively assess and analyze the impact of loss present in participants, participants have been compared by gender while utilizing a completely independent-samples test.
Another important correlation used for analysis is the Pearson correlation in order to establish the link between the impact of loss and the type of relationship . Another similar correlation is used to establish and analyze the link between impact of loss and the age of participants.
A total of 128 participants took part in the surveys for this study which is a substantial figure in order to be confident about the results. The participants were approached through online means which ensured diversity in the demographics of the participants. Out of these 128 participants 102 were females and 26 were males.
This shows a composition of around 80% for females and 20% for males giving results more from a females prospective than males. However, such an imbalance in the gender is not significant due to the fact that the results are acquired for the two genders separately in order to make comparison among the two alongside reaching conclusion for both combined.
The age of participants ranged between 18 and 60 with a mean age of 45 years. The standard deviation as obtained from SPSS showed a value of 3.99. The mean age is relatively high which shows that the results are taken for more adults than young participants as required in the research.
Results of data analysis forms the basis of reaching conclusion on the hypothesis of a research. Results acquired in this research have been linked with the hypothesis in order to remain on the right track without distracting into unnecessary results or analysis. The results obtained from inputting data into SPSS and applying suitable analysis is presented in this section. This section also covers a descriptive analysis of the data acquired from SPSS while proving or disproving the hypothesis of the research.
The results obtained from the correlation and other statistical analysis have been categorized according to the three hypothesis developed to conduct the research. There are sub-points covered in each of the analysis that provides a better investigation on each hypothesis.

Analysis of Results for H1

The first hypothesis pertains to differences of impact of loss of a parent on a bereaved adult in terms of age. Following are the results and the analysis of the results obtained from the research for the H1 hypothesis: -
The very first result that is acquired from the analysis of the data reveals that the young adults between the age of 18 and 25 tend to indulge into the avoidance behavior upon death of one of their parent. This shows that these young adult do not accept the fact that their parent is no more there for them. They try to forget the loss through avoiding to talk about the deceased parent. Such behavior shows a low level of responsibility expressed by the young adults upon demise of one of their parent. This result also shows that these young adults normally do not get heavily depressed or anxious. They simply avoid talking about or remembering their deceased parent.
The second important result obtained from the data in relation to the H1 hypothesis is from the older adults between the age of 25 and 60. The people in this age generally feel responsibility on their shoulders especially upon demise of one of their parent. The results of the research upon statistical analysis showed that these adults felt strong level of regret and guilt upon the demise of one of their parent.
Such feeling are present due to the thought they put into how differently they should have behaved and taken care of their deceased parent as compared to what they actually did. Such results show that the older adults feel the responsibility on their shoulders and do not tend to get depressed while letting it go. The results, however, showed that the older adults were more anxious as result of the demise of one of their parent due to the high level of responsibility that they felt on their shoulders.
The analysis carried out on the two age brackets for the first hypothesis clearly shows that there exists a difference of impact of the loss in terms of anxiety and depression according to age. This analysis, therefore, proves the H1 hypothesis that states “There will be differences in the psychological effects on the bereaved adult, in terms of age”.

Analysis of Results for H2

The second hypothesis pertains to differences of impact of loss of a parent on a bereaved adult in terms of gender. Following are the results and the analysis of the results obtained from the research for the H2 hypothesis: -
The first result that is obtained from the statistical analysis of the data collected form the participants of the study shows that there exist more difficulties experienced by females as compared to males in case of a parent’s demise. This is an important progress in this study which closely relates to the study question.
The difficulties experienced by females in case of demise of a parent may include difficulties in getting over the incident and additional responsibility on them. The data is analyzed while neglecting the age differences in order to analyze only the gender based results for bereaved adults.
The second important data acquired from the research for second hypothesis shows that males feel functioning difficulties more as compared to females. The reason behind such difference lies in the first analysis of result of first hypothesis that showed that the males were more anxious on the demise of one their parent as compared to females.
The functioning difficulties include difficulties at workplace due to upset and anxious psychological conditions of the individual. Another functioning difficulty felt by males upon demise of one of their parent is regarding their domestic responsibility in which they have to take up the responsibility of others on their shoulders.
The third important result that was not very much in the favor of the second hypothesis is that both males and females indicated greater level of change as life seemed to them very different since the demise of one of their parent. Moreover, the meaning of life and of the world around all of the respondents got changed significantly that has been highlighted by them in their responses.
The analysis carried out on the two genders for the second hypothesis clearly shows that there exists a difference of impact of the demise of one of the parent on the bereaved adults in terms of anxiety and depression according to gender. This analysis, therefore, proves the H2 hypothesis that states “There will be differences in the psychological effects on the bereaved adult, in terms of gender”. Males felt low level of difficulties due to the fact that they got little addition in their responsibility and it was relatively easier for them to let it go.

Analysis of Results for H3

The third hypothesis pertains to exploring the psychological states of bereaved adults on loss of a parent according to the type of relationship between the deceases and the bereaved adult. Following are the results and the analysis of the results obtained from the research for the H3 hypothesis: -
The first important aspect analyzed through research was the Question No. 67 in which respondents’ response showed that around 20 % of the respondents see images or pictures from the death scene several time a day while another 20 % see images or pictures from the death scene almost every week.
The difference of viewing of picture of deceased parent can be linked with the relationship through the two-track model identified in this research. The close analysis of the data reveals that the 20 % who see the picture of death scene on daily basis are more closely attached to the deceased parent as compared to the 20 % who see the picture on weekly basis.
In response to another question, 44.83 % of the respondents mentioned that they think of themselves differently after the demise of one of their parent. On the other hand, 31.03 % bereaved adults responded that their self- perception has changed greatly. These results when combined with the results of close relationship with the deceased show that the ones falling in these two categories are those people who were more closely attached to the deceased as compared to the other people. It also reflects the level of intimacy that these people had before one of their parent’s demise.
Another important aspect analyzed through research was the Question No. 68 in which respondents’ response showed that around 60 % of the respondents think of images of the deceased in their head mostly. Around 15 % respondents think of images of the deceased in their head sometimes.
The difference of thinking about image of deceased parent can be linked with the relationship through the two-track model identified in this research. The close analysis of the data reveals that the 60 % who imagine the picture of deceased mostly are more closely attached to the deceased parent as compared to the 15 % who imagined the picture sometimes.
In response to another question, 40 % of the respondents mentioned that they were flooded by the thoughts and the feelings about the death. This result when combined with the results of close relationship with the deceased show that the ones falling in this category are those people who were more closely attached to the deceased as compared to the other people. It also reflects the level of intimacy that these people had before one of their parent’s demise and the remembrance of the deceased due to such relationship.
A large number of respondents that constitute 75 % of the respondents replied in Question No. 58 that they felt about the demise of one of their parent as being traumatic. This result can be combined with the data pertaining to the relationship that the bereaved adult had with their deceased parent. The result of such combination clearly shows that the 75 % of respondents who told about the demise of one of their parent as traumatic are the respondents who had stronger relationship with the deceased parent as compared to the rest of the 25 % respondents.
In response to Question No. 64, 42.11 % respondent said that they keep on experiencing the loss as a shocking as well as traumatic life event. On the other hand, 40 % of the respondents said that the demise of one of their parent and other such losses are usually experienced as one of the most difficult event of life. This result is also compared with the results obtained for closeness of relationship with the deceased parent. The analysis reveals that the two category of respondents as mentioned are the ones who had closer relationship with the deceased parent as compared to rest of the respondents. Further analysis of the responses received in these questions while considering responses in other questions provide strong evidence in the support of the hypothesis.
The responses received for Question No. 66 reveal that 31.58 of respondents believe that the circumstances that caused the loss they experienced are usually considered as extremely difficult. This data shows an important progress made on the analysis of third hypothesis. It tells about the effect of the circumstances including the relationship of the bereaved adult and the deceased on the intensity of the experience of loss on the bereaved adult.
The two track bereavement model basically inspects the intrinsic relation that exists between the deceased parent and the proper functioning of grieving adults. The research has revealed that post performance or functioning of the bereaved adults is largely based on the level of relation they has with the departed parents. Around 70% of the respondents said “true” and 20% were of the view that it is “mostly true”.
Majority of the respondents expressed a deep concerned about their deceased parents and they consider them as the main inspirational source and foundation of their emotional support. The results of the study clearly delineate that bereaved adults give huge regard to their deceased parents and their departure from this world has significant effect on the personality of adults. Bereaved adults experience great psychological and physical changes and their functioning also get affected.
This model has been very helpful for analyzing a number of other questions especially those pertaining to the analysis of the third hypothesis. A number of questions have been compared with the results of this model in order to obtain useful information on proving or disproving the third hypothesis. This model provides a simple way of comparing results of various questions in relation to the type of relationship the bereaved adults had with the diseased parent.
The responses to the Question No. 17 revealed that 44.83 % of respondents thought of themselves been changed after the demise of one of their parent. Moreover, the responses revealed that 31.03 % respondents said that their self-perception of them have changed significantly. This data also reveals difference of feelings of the demise of a parent depending on the relationship.
In response to Question No 32, 38.46 % of the respondents said that they notice things that remind them of the deceased parents. For example, people that look like him/her, voice, or a feeling he/she’s is still around them. This data clearly shows that the bereaved adults having close intimacy with their deceased parent feel the loss at significant level. Similar is the case with the Question No. 30 in which 30.77 % and 26.92 % of the respondents said that they think of the deceased parent all the time. This is an important aspect of the effects of loss on the bereaved adults depending on the relationship they had with the deceased parent before the demise.
In response to Question No. 40, a number of respondents said that since the loss of their parent in the event of their death, they have been feeling that the life is too hard to bear without their parent. This data reveals great insight of the fact that almost every respondent felt difficulty in coping up with life after the demise of their parent. This data, when linked with the data pertaining to the relationship with the parent, reveals that the closer a person is with the parent, the more depressed he/she gets after the demise of the parent.
In response the Question No. 42, the respondents indicated greatly that they yearn strongly for the deceased parent and miss him/her deeply since the demise of one of their parent. Similarly, in response to Question No. 43, 33.33% of the respondents said true and 33.33% participants said mostly true in indicating that since the loss, they feel pain whenever they recall the decease parent. This data from the two questions show a strong level of intimacy in these respondents with the deceased parent.
The analysis carried out on the bereaved adults for the third hypothesis clearly shows that there exists a difference of impact of the demise of one of the parent on the bereaved adults in terms of anxiety and depression according to the type relationship between the deceased and the bereaved adult. This analysis, therefore, proves the H3 hypothesis that states “There will be differences in the adult’s psychological wellbeing, according to the type of relationship between the bereaved and the parent”.

Summary of Results

The overall results as obtained from the primary research carried out reveal that there are differences in the psychological effects on the bereaved adult, in terms of age. The results also show that there are differences in the psychological effects on the bereaved adult, in terms of gender. The results clearly show that there are differences in the adult’s psychological wellbeing, according to the type of relationship between the bereaved and the parent.


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