The Review Of Mel Gibson’s “The Passion Of The Christ” Essay Samples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Cinema, Movies, Jesus Christ, Crucifixion, Time, Passion, Love, Creativity

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2021/03/04


In this essay article a review of the movie “The Passion of the Christ”, an epic biblical dramatically movie directed by Mel Gibson has been presented to show how the movie has delivered to the audience and what impacts have been made on the public after watching this sort of movie. At the same time the essay presents the directorial choices and skills that were implemented in the movie to reflect the ideas of the director, Mel Gibson through the portrayal of the movie. Also the impact of the creative directorial skills of the director has been critically discussed in the paper to find out how the thoughts of the maker have left its own impression on the movie. Basically it is important to mention the directorial ideas of the maker on the lead role have been elaborated thoroughly to bring out its impact on the audience mindset after watching the movie. Apart from that the target audience and the purpose of the movie has been described to show the action of Gibson on filming the movie the way it is. Most impressively the presentation of the lead role and the influence of creativity on the main storyline are two crucial points to be mentioned in case of reviewing the movie.

Movie Review

In order to make a review of Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” first of all it is essential to draw attention to the casting of the movie. In the lead role of Jesus, Jim Caviezel is literary outstanding to say the least and the presentation of the character reveals the creative directorial skills of Gibson. The graphic nature of the movie is very difficult to be elaborated through words. It is simply a gruesome and shocking nature of movie portrayed on the suffering of Jesus Christ at the time of crucifixion. The length of the movie is 120 minutes and in the span of time nonstop brutality, hardships, torture and bloodshed have been shown to create a visualization of crucifixion. The movie is targeted to every religious people of the community who believes in humanity and god. In the same time though most of the people have known to the epic story of crucifixion of Jesus Christ they also can be seen the brutality and the anguish Jesus had to face on the point of crucifixion. The presentation of the show can mesmerize anybody to say the least. Basically through this movie Gibson has tried to evoke emotion and he has passed with flying colors as he has simply achieved that thing.
Now in order to frame a review of the movie a number of points have to be stated clearly with vivid clarity. First of all it is important to mention that the film is purely a Hollywood production movie and it should not be consider as a religious phenomenon. The movie is aimed to every people of the community not like the Christian passion books that are created for Christian community only. So the books and the passion commercial movie should not be mixed anyway. Secondly it is important to mention though the movie is of secular origin based it has positive impression to the Christian community. Therefore it should be questioned that is the scenes presented in the movie are completely theological or what impacts are made on the Christian community after watching the movie. The answer is actually very simple. It is important to take the movie as a drama not more anything.
In order to judge the movie on theological background it is important to note that there is an element of creativity in presentation of the fact of crucifixion of Jesus. The audience should be very generous to decide whether it is biblically correct or not. After all it is a creative visualization of Jesus Christ crucifixion not more than that. Though it appears that the violence and brutality presented in the scenes are extreme it at the same time it is important to appreciate the role of the performer and the director for their enormous effort (Stuart). The directorial frame of mind is absolutely appraised.
Furthermore it is important to take a note that the focus on Jesus suffering and death at the point of crucifixion is mentioned to be very narrow. Remarkably that raises a number of questions from the critics as well. A lot of brutality and violence has preferred against the perseverance of Christ in the movie that has to be criticized severely (Béar). Also the elevation of Mary in the movie can be considered as one of the major disturbing elements shown in the movie. In many cases the movie presents embellishments that may not be featured according to the theological basis. Added to this the functional implications related to the movie can be considered one of the further problems. Eventually the movie does not contain the meaning and significance of the death of Jesus that is a major setback as far as biblical accounts has concerned.

Directorial Choices and reflection of the ideas

So forth the one can able to know how the movie has featured in the audience but in this section it is important to discuss Gibson’s own method of success and creativity that has made him unique from others. On basis of the film Jesus can be represented in two ways; literary and creatively. The passion of the Christ can be mentioned as a mixture of creativity and literature of Gibson. Through the character of Jesus, Gibson puts enormous effort to show the violence Jesus had to face at the point of crucifixion. At the same time Gibson does not consider the moral issues of showing such violence in the movie. For that his attitude has been criticized. Besides the presentation of violence and bloodshed represent the lack of humanity of that time people had to deal with. Gibson wanted to show people about the pain of crucifixion Jesus had felt and accepted death for humanity (Pizzato). The cruelty is a representation of feeling that compiles with utter anguish of the character. Gibson has made up his mind to present these to the audience in a severe way as vivid as possible.
At the same time Gibson represents the emotional appeal regarded with the crucifixion to a great extent. He was completely successful to shake the audience emotionally by his presentations. The sincere and clear frame of mind of Gibson has helped to bring out the best from the casting. He has played with the minds of the role players to produce what he is intended to. The idea of Gibson to grow emotional response among the audience through the movie “The Passion of the Christ” can be highly appreciated as he is successful to achieve what he has thought of. Simply the creativity in the presentation of the scene of crucifixion and the distinct picture of cruelty has been the most impressive features of Gibson’s directorial skills in the movie specifically. Eventually it is better to say that the inspirational mindset of the director has a huge impact in scripting the success story of the movie.


At the very end it is important to mention that Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” is a very successful movie though a lot of features shown in the movie can be criticized hugely. The film was successful by showing the epic scene of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion in such a pathetic manner to say the least. The scene is seemed to be everlasting and it feels like that is a pain which would probably last till the end. One has to certainly appreciate both Gibson and Jim Caviezel for unique presentation of the pathetic climax. At the same time the cruelty and brutality shown in crucifixion can be hugely criticized as it compiles a lot of brutality to say the least. Most importantly the creative presentation of the epic event and the casting and directorial skills of Gibson must have been praised here. Eventually the passion of the Christ has been revealed cent percent through the movie though a lot of violence and brutality have associated at the same time with the movie. Theoretically and critically the movie can be considered as one of the best of all time and at the same time the efforts and skills of Mel Gibson have to be appreciated for every aspect in respective of the movie.


Béar, Liza. Beyond The Frame. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 2008. Print.
Pizzato, Mark. 'A Post-9/11 Passion: Review Of Mel Gibson?S The Passion Of The Christ'. Pastoral Psychology 53.4 (2005): 371-376. Web.
Stuart, Laird J. 'Reflections On The Passion Of The Christ'. Pastoral Psychology 53.4 (2005): 381-383. Web.

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