The Support Of Pirated Entertainment Term Paper Samples

Type of paper: Term Paper

Topic: Piracy, Internet, Business, Commerce, Copyright Law, Law, Crime, Actions

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Published: 2020/11/03

Statement of Purpose: To demonstrate the culpability of advertisers on websites engaged in entertainment piracy.

Supporting Points (3):
The piracy of entertainment is illegal in the United States based on copyright infringement and US Customs works internationally on charges of theft of intellectual property.
The pirate websites offer the entertainment without charge, making their profit from the sale of advertising. By supporting the sites financially, advertisers are encouraging the practice of piracy

Actions possible against the advertisers on pirate sites to discourage participation

I. Introduction

A. Piracy Techniques

B. Profit from Piracy
C. Affect on the Production Studios
D. Political Statement on Piracy
II. Laws and Regulatory Agencies

A. Agencies for Detection

B. Laws Making Piracy a Crime
C. Funding for Police Actions
III. Investigations

A. Imagine Website

1. Agencies Involved

B. Calculation of Industry Losses

C. Benefits of Piracy
IV. Actions against Advertisers

A. Profit from Advertisers

B. Cutting Off Streams of Income
C. Accusations of Large Advertisers
1. Notification Cancels Contracts
D. Failed Legislation
V. Self-Regulation by Advertisers

A. Actions by Inadvertent Advertisers

B. Accidently Exclusion of Legitimate Websites
1. Need for Human Review
C. Google’s Self-Regulation Against Piracy
VI. Punishing Downloaders

A. Example: 9-year-old girl

B. Massive Fines in Minnesota
VII. Conclusion

Reference List: (2015). Leader of internet piracy group "IMAGiNE" sentenced in Virginia to 60 months in prison for criminal copyright conspiracy. Retrieved 5 February 2015, from (2015). PRO-IP Act | Global Intellectual Property Center. Retrieved 5 February 2015, from
TorrentFreak,. (2013). New Report Accuses Google and Yahoo of Funding 'Pirate Sites' | TorrentFreak. Retrieved 5 February 2015, from,. (2007). U.S. Chamber and Coalition Against Counterfeiting and Piracy Launch ?Campaign to Protect America? | U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Retrieved 5 February 2015, from
White, M. (2011). Hollywood: Organized Crime Goes to the Movies. Retrieved 5 February 2015, from

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