The US And China International Relations Research Papers Examples

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: China, United States, Literature, Relationships, Politics, World, Economics, Countries

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2020/12/26

The US and China policy draws the boundaries for the two countries international relation. China is one of the most competitive country in terms of trade. However, it is also always caught in a rift with other nations because of territorial conflicts and other socio-economic, sociopolitical policies adapted by the nation. Among the biggest issue that confronts China involves their claim over controversial territories like the Spratly Island and the widely disputed Scarborough Shoal. On the other hand, the United States is one of the world’s most powerful country. Let alone that the US is also one of the biggest nations as far as economy is concerned. Nevertheless, the US have their own issues and hurdles to confront. From 2008 to the later part 2013, the US had to endure the biggest recession that had caused the breakdown and closure of many of the biggest names in business. In addition, the US was also questioned regarding its ardent campaign against terrorism when it launched an all-out war with Afghanistan and Iraq and eventually taking over of Iraq justifying it as preparation of the nation's transition from dictatorship to democratic. Considering the capacities of both countries many critics and evaluations had been written regarding the implications and warrants of the US-China Policy. In this regard, this paper will attempt to review eight news articles written about this subject. This paper will review the articles in terms of how persuasive each of the articles were in delivering the facts and convincing the readers of the merits of the US-China Policy.

A Primer on the US-China Policy

The US and China relations is regarded as the strongest international relation between two nations. Each country regard the other as a strategic partner or an adversary, offering significant contribution to the stability and further growth of the other. In addition, it is also dubbed as the most important bilateral relation in the century. The United States has the world's biggest economy followed by China. This enormous financial and economic stability of both countries makes their ties more rewarding for both parties.
Today, the ties between the two countries are confined within the political, economic and matters concerning social interest. The United States' concern over China's democratic government transition and the nation's human rights issues are among the issues of social interest that is closely being watched. Similarly, the US is also seeking alliance with China in regards with their campaign against terrorism, its advocacy towards disarming nations of their arsenals that are more commonly referred to as weapons of mass destruction.
Nevertheless, amidst claims that this is all for the growth of the nation particularly the United States, many believed that the US decision to establish and further strengthen the bond between them and China was more political and military strategy. The United States cannot afford to have hostile relationship with China given its strength and capacity to cause significant damage to the United States if provoked.

A. An Article Review: The G-2 Mirage Review

In an article written by Elizabeth Economy and Adam Segal, the authors presented their story from a more positive outlook. The authors tried to convince the readers that the US is in fact, in a better position doing business and establishing ties with China because of the numerous rewards that can be derived from this bilateral relation . The authors offered recommendations on how the United States through its president actually foster greater ties with China. According to authors, instead of initiating a high-profile bilateral dialogue, the US should initiate a multilateral approach where President Obama can discuss the issues that are of great interest to the US.
Evaluating the overall content of the article, the authors had been one sided in its presented arguments and justifications. The authors failed to criticize that while it is imperative for the United States to gain the favor and trust of China, it is also in this bilateral relation that China has more to gain from this. More so, the authors had only been persuasive at encouraging the Americans that this international relation is befitting to the US but significantly lack sufficient justification that this bilateral association is something that would also merit the benefit of China.

B. An Article Review: Does China Want to Be Top Superpower?

Romana eloquently attempted to present China’s dream of being number 1 versus the China who simply seeking ties for the purpose of broadening and expanding its network. The author’s argument were correct for suggesting that China has the capacity to be at global world leader because of the nation’s abundance in resources and the nation’s competitive business and social framework. Romana had been persuasive offering arguments that China has this sufficient capacity for greatness. It should be remembered that China is a sleeping giant because it has the capacity to expand and insist its beliefs and perception.
C. An Article Review: China PLA officer urges challenging U.S. dominance
According to the author Charles Buckley, China needs to recognize that their dream of becoming a world leader would require that they need to remove the United States from the ranks, who is also currently holding this spot . The article cited that China’s realization of the China Dream is not wholly dependent on the nation’s ability to secure political stability. More so, it is China’s military strength that can actually help the country to realize its goal. Nevertheless, the PLA officer said that in order for China to realize this dream it necessarily has to eliminate its biggest competitor and threat, the United States. The bilateral association will not only trigger the end of this dream but also the fall of China’s ambition and goal. Bilateral relation between the two countries will deter China from its goal of leading the world because it will need to comply with the provisions of a bilateral policy. This includes allowing China to be submitted to the protocols and conditions of the agreement. In which case, China’s military capacity will significantly be weakened.
This article a persuasive argument. While it may not benefit or favor the US, the author of the article made sound and logical arguments. Bilateral relations are subjected to conditions that cannot be revoked once the agreement is entered upon unless, the agreement will be revoked by virtue of a unanimous agreement. China on the other, is safeguarded by the argument that solid stability is not only dependent on the nation’s resources but on the military capacity.
D. An Article Review: China: Dominance or be Damned?
The article entitled China: Dominance or be Damned?, the author Jeffrey Schmidt reiterated the need for China to challenge the United States because it could not lay on the premise that the United States will actually help China realize its goal for a stable economic and political status. Quite significantly, the author also insist that the United States is simply trying to lure China from giving up the China Dream. Schmidt believes that the United States is a big threat for China . The author also emphasized that while China continues to hold a stronghold to different countries as far as their presence being felt and widely considered especially in trade and business, China remains to thrive in terms of financial stability. The poor people in China continues to significantly increase and the figures continue to offer disappointing implications. Supposedly, being in ties with the United States Would help China bring their ratings and their figures up. However, it remains to do very poorly.
Considering the analysis made by Jeffrey Schmidt, it can be said that the bilateral association between the two countries is significantly one-sided. The author furthered his claim by offering insights from renowned leaders who believed that the bilateral relation on furthers the gap and intensify the competition. The United States has put China in a leash that would allow them to closely monitor and keep track of the progress that China makes. In addition, it is also believed that the United States has the better opportunity to control and manipulate China is it were subjected under a bilateral relation because such associations are typically kept by a condition. In this case, it was proposed by the author that this is what exist between China and the United States. The arguments presented by the author was in fact highly persuasive. The logical presentation of arguments was significantly convincing. Basing the arguments on the quantitative presentation of data, the analogy will sound more credible.

E. An Article Review: In Case You Missed It: China Dream

In the article In Case You Missed It: China Dream, the author offered a brief yet highly extensive report on what helps shape and form the China Dream. According to the author the China Dream comes from the long line of history of China making business and transacting with other nations from around the world . Their desperate desire to actually succeed was brought by their constant dealings with other nations. Although there was the detailed presentation of events that triggered the conceptualization of the China Dream, none of these offered a direct association of the bilateral ties between the United States and China. Instead of establishing a premise from the historical account of the China Dream, the author left the probable implication of history to a connection of it can be better or bad for China in realizing its dream. Indeed, China was a strong nation supported and shaped well by the earliest human civilization. However, what transpired several thousands of years ago cannot be done again. The situations at that time was entirely different from the situations that we have right now.

F. An Article Review: Will China’s Dream turn into America’s Nightmare?

In the article whose title was Will China’s Dream turn into America’s Nightmare? the author wanted to highly ask the possible and potential threat in the realization of the China Dream . In addition, the author wanted to re-emphasize that the realization of the China Dream and the willingness to hear a discussion of the China makes it significantly formidable for the United States to accept that reversal of duties and situation. If China is able to assume to become the world’s number one then that could potentially mean that the United States had been thrown from the ranks and list if the most influential and the leading country in the world in terms of political, social, and economic traits . The said article offered a very persuasive arguments and clear analogy. The analysis suggesting that the realization of one’s dreams may inevitable cause the death of another was a good presentation. China and the United States does not share a common position. In fact, to this date, China is the most viable competition against the number one position of being the world’s leading country which is a significant. Should China be able to realize this, The United States will be facing its biggest challenge should the status be confused and blended together.

G. An article Review: Two Contrasting Views of Hegemony from America and China

The principle of hegemony varies from one country to another. Especially in the countries of China and the United States. Both countries have different values, tradition, cultures and beliefs . These enumerated the actors that could cause the variations of how both countries look at hegemony. In this article, the author offers an interesting view and discussion of the United States and China. The variations in the concepts of both country offered a good primer to the argument on the bilateral relation between China and the US.


The review of the existing bilateral association between China and the United States offers an evaluation that reviews the change in power between the two countries--United States and China. The argument behind the power switch resolve that China will continue its dramatic growths and significant development in terms of economic growth. Potentially, this could mean that China can develop into the next superpower which could mostly likely take over the current position of the United States. I think that there will not be a between China and the U.S. and at most China will remain as a second containing a leading power in the world. Yew states that China’s interests that later contradict is explanation that China is sticking to the concept of a peaceful rise to power. The author in the article entitled China: Dominance or be Damned Jeffrey Schmidt argues that China will continue to grow at a faster rate than the United States. With this capacity and potential for growth China’s leaders would strongly aspire to realize the China Dream which is to be the top world superpower not just in Asia.
However, I am more persuaded by the argument, which is China is deeply flawed, and it is still premature to actually predict that it can overthrow the United States from its stronghold of the top rank and position because why the power transition theory is not going to happen due to China’s internal issues. Authors who claimed that although China has had power change, their system is still deeply flawed politically, economically and socially. I believe that the only power change that will happen to China is the switch from being a producer country to a consumer country. I think China’s internal issues are too much to be solved within few years and these will cause many problems while they develop rapidly, surpass the U.S. and become a superpower in the world.
The scenario two describes where American foreign policy towards China has turned into containment, where US actions restrict the aggressive expansion of Chinese influence and power, and Chinese foreign policy resorts to breaking out of this containment, possibly sparking a war between China and the U.S. Chinese leaders are aware of how the rest of globe observes Chinese activity in the South China Sea, and they have struggled to assure its neighbors their intentions are not aggressive. However, there is an argument that China’s recent efforts could be part of a strategy of gradually accumulating territory and natural resources, while it continues to expand its economy.
Also, Friedberg argues that China has too much dissimilarity in ideology and awareness than the United States. Also, if China misinterprets the commitment bolstering actions, then the U.S. runs the risk of scaring China into increased military spending and further militarization, an action the U.S. and her allies do not want China to take. I am not persuaded by the argument that this action would cause China’s neighbors to support their militaries to equalize against China and eventually start an arms race across Asia. U.S. and China can develop together despite of their differences as obstacles. I think not only social and cultural aspects could affect the better relationship between the U.S. and China, but also the U.S. can benefit from Chinese economic system and trades.

Works Cited

Buckley, Chris. "China PLA officer urges challenging U.S. dominance." 28 February 2010. Beijing Reuters. Print. 20 March 2015.
Economy, Elizabeth and Adam Segal. "The G-2 Mirage." 27 January 2011. The Foreign Affairs Website. Web. 20 March 2015.
Hughes, Christopher. You Missed It: China Dream. 5 April 2010. Web. 20 March 2015.
Kyo, Choo. Two Contrasting Views of Hegemony From America and China. 2011. Web. 20 March 2015.
Reuters. "China PLA officer urges challenging U.S. dominance." 28 February 2010. Reuters Stringger. Web. 20 March 2015.
Romana, Chito. "Does China Want to Be Top Superpower." 2 March 2010. The ABC News. Web. 20 March 2015.
Saunders, Philip. Will China’s Dream turn into America’s Nightmare? 1 April 2010. Web. 20 March 2015.
Schmidt, Jeffrey. China: Dominance or be Damned. 3 March 2010. Web. 20 March 2015.

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