The Use Of Evidence Based Practice Literature Review Example

Type of paper: Literature Review

Topic: Nursing, Psychology, Life, Patient, Therapy, Health, Breastfeeding, Education

Pages: 10

Words: 2750

Published: 2020/12/26

The Use of Evidence Practice

In healthcare practice, it is essential to use the best present evidence together with the clinical knowledge together with the patient beliefs to formulate clinical decisions. Stomal therapy is a multifaceted aspect in nursing and is addresses both psychological and physiological issues in health equally. The stomal therapy is fundamental in assisting patients to adjust to various stoma irrespective of the condition being temporary or permanent. The role of the therapy is to address scenarios such as colostomy and ileostomy as well as the urostomy. In the daily practice of nursing, it is essential to ensure optimal care to the patient before and after medical assistance. As a matter of fact, stomal therapy seeks its crucial role in counseling before the operation, immediate care after the operation and continual assessment and education after the discharge of the patient from medical admission.
Before seeking the medical care directly connected to stomal complications and that which requires therapeutical interventions in the stomal system patiends usually develop different notions. A number of the formed opinions might be disastrous among the patients and have a significance in influencing the outcome of the operation. As a result, counselling and mental support is necessary in ensuring a proper reinstatement of the patient with regards to confidence and belief on the treatment. After the operation, it becomes obvious to the patients that their bodies are never the same again. However, the process of healing also demand proper settlement of the mind. This would demand administration of stomal therapy.
The nursing profession demands provision of support in the patients and throughout the duration of its existence and development stomal therapy has been improved as well. One of the best means of developing a discipline is through research. Many researchers have performed studies on stomal therapy with various scope and objectives. Throughout this piece, there will be a review of various research articles on stomal therapy so as to form a complete critique with a primary aim of providing a proper understanding as well.

Search Methodology

The exercise involved designing a postal questionnaire whereby the stomal cases were addressed to determine the recollection of patients in stomal healthcare together with the life style of patients, the value of life as well as the psychological morbidity. The questions covered the preoperation preparation, instantaneous recovery of the patient from the surgery. The second issue addressed was the satisfaction of the patient from the exercise especially on the instruments used and finally, the impact of the therapy on the life of the patient. The method included contacting 542 eligible patients asking them the questions and among them, 391 patients replied answering the questions.

Does preoperative stoma marking and education by the enterosaomal therapist affect outcome?

The method in this scenario included referring from the registry of stomatal patients from 1978 for 18 years. The registry consisted of 1790 patients who were then reviewed for having gone for elective review of the stoma. Out of the 593 patients, it was determined that only 292 planned for the probable creation of stoma.

Handy hints for the person with a stoma

Evaluation of secondary sources and surveys
Research surveys were performed to determine the factors affecting patients with stoma and gauged against the predetermined hinds that are based on physiological and psychological facts related to the condition. However, according to the practical scenario, many factors seem to be against the documented hints some of which appear to be life threatening and would require ammendments.

Critical Analysis of the Research

According to Nugent et al., stoma patients face numerous troubles ranging from mental to physiological. There is little knowledge that is significant to describe the troubles of the patients with permanent stomal condition. This research set out to investigate the problems faced by the patients with colostomy and ileostomy and to determine their extent of satisfaction with the present stomal therapy together with formulating the means of improving the future treatment.
There is a strong feeling that preparation of the skin before stoma together with enlightenment on the issue assist in preventing skin complications that might arise after the operation. It is a policy in various institutions to provide such educational and probable preparations but there are a significant number of instances whereby the patients are not offered the mentioned services.

Handy hints for the person with a stoma

A person with stoma should have some facts in mind that are intended to ensure them better lives. The patient should understand that the occurrence of the stoma and its existence are not constant and their size can increase or reduce depending on a number of factors such as physical and physiological. In order to determine the trend, the patient should measure the stoma periodically to determine the trend. This research was performed to grant the patients better knowledge of living with the condition. The hints have identified vast areas and addressed them comprehensively. However, there are a number of challenges influencing the credibility of some hints explained and can be criticized to clarify the claims of criticism.
Accountability and the need for professional rank has led to the recognition that nursing requires knowledge centeredness. The profession should address the issue of discovering sources of information and their influence as well. Nurses apply a varied range of information, together with that from investigation, to formulate their clinical conclusions and to propose care with patients.
The research of all forms should target the systematic examination and support to the archive of knowledge which assists helps in shaping and guiding the faculty. Hence, nurses have to apply the most appropriate research evidence obtainable.
In spite of the various approaches applied traditionally being less valued by many as a source of research proof, there are numerous factors which defend the significance of the influence qualitative research provides to the nursing understanding. As observed in all research, the qualitative research requires assessment on its qualifications in case the practitioners are to be capable of evaluating its value.
The literature proposes that the involvement of qualitative research is increasing and it is progressing nursing awareness, principally in connection to particular facets of that information. This means that it is essential that nurses practicing comprehend it and can make rational judgments of its essence and connect it to their care of stoma patients.
It is reasonable that familiarity claims that emanate from the research should be bare for criticism together with official examination. This understanding means that it is appropriate for the research to be open to probing, review and reproach.

Common Themes Emerging

Patients’ Feelings
The observations have manifested that one of the contemporary trends in nursing thematically is the improved feeling of consideration by patients. With the increasing research, patients have manifested their feeling of concern by the healthcare providers and the research personnel. Increasing ideas in healthcare poses a feeling of value among patients. However, several themes are elated and at times it separating them becomes complicated.

Negligence in Institutional Policies

According to the articles analyzed, scenarios arise in stoma and those relating to the institutions where the patients are treated. There are healthcare centers that provide that the patients must receive services such as preparation of skin and educational enlightenment on stoma. Nonetheless, the policies are neglected in some cases and consequences occur as a result. The mentioned services are essential in all the stages such as the reoperation, immediate recovery and the effect of stoma throughout and individual’s life.

Advanced Complications

Stoma may lead to more [intense complications depending on how the crucial stages are handled by the health practitioners on a patient. The complications emanating in the psychological perspective mainly depend on how the first and the last stages are handled in a patient namely the pre-operation and the influence of the surgery in the patient’s life respectively. The physiological effects arise depending on the execution of immediate recovery process and the actual performance of the surgery.

Necessity to Adjust the Common Practices

Some of the effects of stoma relate directly to the medical practices. Mistakes in the performance of stoma may lead to a propagated effect on the life of the patient. According to the study that targeted the effects of stoma in patients after the process show identical problems facing the patients such as increasing sizes of wounds and the wound’s failure to recover completely. Nevertheless, alternative research studies have also shown that there are identical strategies that can be applied to avert the situations and such can be done in the initial stages of preparation and surgery.

Complex Trends

Complicated situations have arose in the cases where patients suffer from stoma effects and remedy is proposed. However, when such corrective measures are implemented, the condition persist and may worsen at times even though standard procedures are implemented accordingly.

Evaluation of Conclusions and Recommendations

Relevance in Nursing
Findings for More Research, Significant Knowledge on Stoma and Better Health
The research articles have led to various findings on stoma and nursing as well. The information herein can be used to for further research on the same condition and other relevant conditions.
The information contained in the articles show that there is increasing research activities on stoma and the condition is addressed in many perspectives. Such a situation is critical in medical partitioning since it enlightens more on the issue. Through the information, many practitioners learn more and can monitor their approaches in various scenarios of the disease occurrence.
The research is important to the health care field. The research would assist in enforcing new modifications in the long term care of patients and is applied to develop treatments which provide the maximal level of the care. the research emphasizes on developing and indorsing high extents of standards in the main areas such as high quality management of the stoma patients during serious conditions and all stages of treatments together with developing progressions that assists patients in recovery from the condition, emergent standards that assists in reducing the numbers of infections after the treatment , enhancing healthy styles of living and averting the beginning of avoidable conditions  and diseases, assisting to instilling skills together with treatments which, increase the value of life in patients with degenerative ailments , as well as simplification of the shift for the patients who might have been affected devastative and revive them.
The research studies incorporate a complete approach and observes the management of the patient, the family members, together with the care providers entirely. Through the development healing approaches that concentrations on the entire community associated with the care of patients, there is a higher degree of efficiency when new approaches are enforced. By using this research method, value of care is improved and the patient would obtain the most effective care.
The nursing as a health field achieves significant developments every time. With the unfolding of science and enhancement of the concept in the mind of man on the borders of medicine partitioning, it would be relevant to anticipate that the research would lead into substantial and critical advances in the field of healthcare together with treatments. The research have proposed new ways of carrying activities and overall management, the new modifications will continue to be enforced and technologically advanced into remedies and healings which will eventually lead to quicker cure and increased quality of living to the patients who may require them earnestly. The therapy is not only meant to improve the patient, but also focuses mainly on the community entirely. More scientific advancement together with discovery implies that there will be little infections, fewer ailments, more remedies, and a proper quality of life for the entire community and this is the aim of nursing.


Bass M., D, Pino D., A tan E., T, Pearl M., D, Abcarian MD & Orsay C., P (1997). Does preoperative stoma marking and education by the enterosaomal therapist affect outcome? April 1997, Volume 40, Issue 4, pp 440-442Cheung MT (1995). Complications of an abdominal stoma: an analysis of 322 stomas. Aust N Z J Surg;65:808–11.Londono-Schimmer EE, Leong AP, Phillips RK. (1994). Life table analysis of stomal complications following colostomy. Dis Colon Rectum; 37:916–20.Unti JA, Abcarian H, Pearl RK,et al. (1991) Rodless end-loop stomas: seven-year experience. Dis Colon Rectum;34:999–1004. CrossRefNugent M.S., Daniels P, Stewart S.R.N., Patankar R., & M.Chir D. J. (1999). Quality of life in stoma patients.Volume 42, Issue 12, pp 1569-1574

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