This Notation Was To Remember To Add The Author To The References. Theses Examples
Type of paper: Thesis
Topic: Fracking, Oil, California, Public, Government, Issue, Policy, Hydraulic Fracturing
Pages: 6
Words: 1650
Published: 2020/11/24
1. pg. 2 The final form of SB 4 establishes a permitting system for hydraulic fracking and acid stimulation for petroleum products drilling on land in the state of California (Seifried, 2013a). (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.)
SB4 in its final form established a permitting system that regulated more than hydraulic fracking. Hydraulic fracturing is a type of drilling for petroleum products that use a stimulation process. Stimulation processes are methods used by the drilling operators to enhance reaching reservoirs of the oil or natural gas trapped by rocky geology. At some sites acid is used to stimulate petroleum extraction. SB4 regulates all well stimulation techniques including hydraulic fracturing and acid stimulation that takes place in California (Seifried, 2013a).
p. 9 For example, Kingdon’s model allows for the addition of many diverse variables that are complex, above and beyond the policy issue, but impact-setting agendas and making laws. (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.)
Kingdon’s model is adaptable and can incorporate all diverse variables. Some variables may not be directly related to the policy topic, but still influence the agenda setting process.
p. 11 Analyzing the decision making for SB 4 has encompassed national such as the EPA (a national regulatory agency), as well as California state government departments. (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.)
The decision-making processes impacting SB 4 are at many levels including the local, state, and national governments. The EPA is national agency that regulates Clean Water Act. The petroleum sector insisted that the EPA was enough oversight.
p. 16 Chapter 6 concludes with a summary of the research findings and the degree of success in meeting the goals set in Chapter 1. (THERE IS NO CHAPTER 6. PLEASE EDIT.)
Chapter 6 concludes with a summary of the research findings and the degree of success in meeting the goals set in Chapter 1
p. 30 “Energy policies within the U.S. vary greatly in terms of jurisdictional control, sensitivity to markets, public awareness, technical complexity and the role each plays in contributing to the overall mix of power production” (Davis, 1993 cited by Davis & ). (INCOMPLETE)
(Davis, 1993 cited by Davis & Hoffer, 2012).
p. 32 The view of research supported by Center for Law, Energy and the Environment at the University of California, is that the reports are upsetting that fracking in California will increase technology becomes better adapted to the drilling strategy. (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.)
Kiparsky and Hein (2013) note that drilling operators are developing new ways to extract oil all the time, so collecting knowledge on the impacts is very difficult.
p. 37 The experiences in other states suggest that stakeholders pay attention to the transition stage between the signing of SB 4 and the changes made by DOGGR to meet concerns of Governor Brown, who plans to work with the authors of the bill so that the amendments can expect. (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.)
The experiences in other states suggest that stakeholders pay attention to the transition stage between the signing of hydraulic fracturing legislation and changes to how state agencies deal with the issue. plans to work with the authors of the bill so that the amendments can expect.
p. 42 Corbett ran on the campaign promise that he would prioritize exploitation of natural by fracking while legislating against “(federal) governmental interference” (Rabe & Borck, p. 328). (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.)
Promises made by Corbett during his political campaign included placing a priority on the extraction of natural gas using the fracking method and to stop the federal government from interfering in the state fracking issue.
p. 43 The Wyoming state government and the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission, through a process of negotiating “need-to-know” and “proprietary secrets”; finally “the Commission began posting disclosure forms in September of 2010” (Soraghan, 2010; Taylor, 2010). (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.
The Wyoming state government and the Wyoming Oil and Gas Conservation Commission postponed any disclosure about fracking by using two strategies. Firstly, they negotiated on the basis of “need to know” to evade answering questions. Secondly, on the subject of hydraulic fracturing fluids, they tried to circumvent releasing information about the chemical compounds by claiming “proprietary secrets.” Finally, in September 2010, the Commission started posting disclosure forms on their website (Soraghan, 2010; Taylor, 2010).
p. 47 Kingdon created a simple, straight-forward theory so legislators, advocacy workers, volunteers, local and state agencies the public and anyone acting in some capacity to force an issue into the public eye and push it to a legislature’s agenda. (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.)
Kingdon’s theory for poiticall agenda setting is inclusionary. All the actors who are involved in driving the issue into the public view are accommodated in his model. The actors in the California fracking issue were a diverse group including so legislators, advocacy workers, volunteers, local and state agencies, and the public.
p. 54 Many proposals compete for the same policy, so a willingness to spend the necessary time and try a variety of tactics (see Figure 3). (UNCLEAR. PLEASE CLARIFY.
Many proposals were developed to address the regulation and legislation of hydraulic fracturing. The only way a policy proposal can reach the momentum needed to reach the California legislatures agenda-setting schedule is tenacity and a willingness to try a variety of tactics.
p. 57 “Successive Limited Comparison” (Lindblom, Charles). (INCOMPLETE SENTENCE. PLEASE FIX.)
(Lindblom, 2010)
Lindblom, Charles. (2010). The Science of “Muddling” Through. Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 12(1), January 1,
p. 67 Figure 6. Three Paradigm Strategy using Policy and Constituency Building in Tamdem (HFRP, n.d., p. 27) (SHOULD THE WORD BE "TANDEM"?)
Yes, Tandem
p. 88 The public attitude to environmental issues and sustainability had effects to identify (INCOMPLETE SENTENCE. PLEASE FIX.)
The effects of public attitude to environmental issues and sustainability need to be identified.
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