Unjustifiable College Life Essays Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Cinema, Students, Film, Love, Women, College, Movies, Color

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/03/03

According to the film School Daze, there is a sense of the stereotype that a black person cannot be educated. In the real sense; many believe in the existence of this notion that whites are brighter than blacks. The idea is not logic, and it’s just a stereotype. Everybody, when exposed to the same learning condition, will be educated and, in fact, some blacks are much brighter than the whites. We see a rival between the dark skins and the light skins to the extent that even the color of the weaves matters a lot. The sense that the students are planning to make the apartheid of South Africa receives a bad image and no support. When Julian and his friends went out to the restaurant so as to mobilize people to join in the apartheid movement, they are seen as stupid boys who are privileged to be in college. As the drama continuous, we get to the good, bad and ugly of college life. The color strike between blacks and whites expands, just because Dup likes light skins, his girlfriend is mad and feels like he hates dark skins. Rachel seems like she is better and well off just because of her good hair making her hates gammas who are the blacks in the college. The notifications from the film show the lack of social cohesiveness in the film, and there is no social identity as one race is depicted as more special than the other. Various protests erupt in the college all concerning the whites and blacks. The gamma girls are continuously treated like slaves; cleaning the room for their counterparts. This clearly shows the dehumanizing nature of the people in the film.
Later in the film, Julian plays sickeningly cruel trick on Jane hence Jasmine replaces Jane as Julian’s main squeeze. Though Jane is seen to be in love with Julian, the movie depicts their love as cruel and involving sexist tricks. Most words describe Julian represents him as someone who likes sex and a pretender. Guys suffer the way they do so as to join a frat and to get women this indicates rampant sex, access to women and abuse of power. Women are not specially treated in the society especially by men who don’t care about their ware bouts. Dap who was a pro black never liked his girlfriend joining sonority showing that women are still subjects to men. The film lover in me makes me look at this film subject in awe. The outdated color bias is still active in such academic institutions. Lee’s movie as it is good-looking and, ambitiously mounted imaginatively designed production has to fight for the rights of blacks. Intercommunity contradictory is real in the movie making each people watching it resist the bad habits and live with each other in one love, peace and harmony. In conclusion, the School Daze should be an eye opener raising the acts of racism, the war on the minority, and social status. Lee’s movie should be educative especially to those who are in the situation like where the black students.

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"Unjustifiable College Life Essays Example," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 03-Mar-2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/unjustifiable-college-life-essays-example/. [Accessed: 18-Oct-2024].
Unjustifiable College Life Essays Example. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/unjustifiable-college-life-essays-example/. Published Mar 03, 2021. Accessed October 18, 2024.

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