USA And Canada Health Care System Movie Review Example

Type of paper: Movie Review

Topic: Health, Health Care, Canada, United States, System, America, Services, Business

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/10/14

<Student Name>
<Name and Section # of course>
<Instructor Name>
1. Compare and contrast the American-system of health care with our Canadian system. What are the noted similarities and differences in terms of the Canada Health Act? (Separate the answer between the compare and contrast in 1 page)
The health care systems of USA and Canada share many similarities. The development of the health care systems has common grounds. The grant of health services resembles within the two regions which include private physician provided on the fee for the service. This service is non-profitable to the hospital and is voluntary. Furthermore, the insurance of public health is similar in the two countries as the expenditure made above the fee structure and the balance billing system also prevails in the health care system (Boychuk, 2008).
On the other hand, the differences between the two countries health care systems are very significant. Canadian health care system is found to be more successful than USA health care system because the people of the Canada are satisfied with the health services provide to them. Whereas, the USA citizens are dissatisfied with the health care systems and its services (Ridic et al., 2012). The major difference between the health care systems of the two countries is the authority of health services. In Canada, the government is involved with all the matters regarding the health care system. However, in the USA, private sectors run the major part of the health services. The health care system is authorized to the different provinces in Canada, which enables every province to work accordingly in order to get efficient outcomes of health care system. In addition to this, the health care system in Canada is single payer system while in USA is multi-payer. Therefore, all citizens are treated equally as they pay an equal amount, unlike USA. Moreover, the efficacy of health care systems of Canada is evident from the rates of mortality of infants and life expectancy which are higher than the USA health care system.
2. Provide examples of what are deemed “medically necessary” procedures in the United States versus Canada according to this documentary film and those that are not medically? (Be clearer with the examples that you provided in 1 page)
Canada has devised a program of Medicare, which involves the publicly funded services for the hospitals and health care settings. Canada has prepared interventions and programs to make the people avert from the use of tobacco and smoking which is the root cause of many diseases. Moreover, the prescribed drugs aid in the prevention of ailments related to disabilities. A research conducted revealed that in Canada ailments were prevented through prescribed medications. Therefore, the physicians should strive for assigning the specific prescription in USA as well. The health care system of USA needs to be evolved in order to provide the citizen better medicinal services. The health care systems in USA are devoid of the equality among the citizens in its treatment. Also, most of the USA people are not insured, in fact, those who have insurance are trapped by the insurance company in coordination with the physician.
Consequently, the patient does not receive any insurance amount, and the insurance company gets the benefit. Furthermore, the volunteer during the 9/11 incident were denied any funding for the affected individuals as the public funds do not include any welfare for the people regarding their health. Keeping the health care system in consideration, some necessary procedures must be adapted to the USA health care system. For instance, the health care system should be maintained at federal level since, the USA is larger than Canada, therefore, like Canada, the health care system should be federally associated.
The National Health Grant Act, 1948 in Canada, included the construction of hospitals and health care settings as per the need of the people. Besides these, the Canadian Health Act restricts the provinces and territories to provide the report of health care services provided to the public to the federal government. Also, the services must be available to the residents and non-residents of the region and should not discriminate the people on any ground. This can enable betterment in the system. Canada has restricted the physicians to administer only those procedures to the patients who are medically necessary and not indulged the public in unnecessary surgery and other operations.
Moreover, a physician should be assigned to the provinces in the USA similar to Canada who is responsible to deal with the insurance company of the province and the patient is not indulged in the billing and reclaims issues. Canada provides the relaxation of payment over the medication by either providing the pay to the needy individuals without pay or making concordance with the pharmacy suppliers to provide the medication with less payment which is affordable for most of the people. Such a method can be implemented so that USA health care systems are able to grant relief in medication payable amounts. Likewise to the Canada, the inpatients and outpatients should be offered meals at ward for general public and rooms adequately, nurse help, diagnostic tests and its interpretation, and drugs etc should be granted to the patients which are the medical necessity and should be controlled by the health care system (Olson, 2006).


Boychuk, G. W. (2008). National health insurance in the United States and Canada: race, territory, and the roots of difference. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. Retrieved from on 26th January 2015.
Olson, R. Paul, ed. Mental Health Systems Compared: Great Britain, Norway, Canada, and the United States. Charles C Thomas Publisher, 2006. Retrieved from on 27th January 2015.
Ridic, G., Gleason, S., & Ridic, O. (2012). Comparisons of Health Care Systems in the United States, Germany and Canada. Materia socio-medica, 24(2), 112. Retrieved from on 26th January 2015.

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