Using The Triage Assessment Form Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Family, Psychology, Parents, Friendship, Women, Friends, Home, Crisis

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/10/18


The paper presents a psychological context of a Hispanic girl who is seventeen years old. A clear look at her case shows that she has issues with her parents at home. On their part, it is clear that her parents are protective and want the best for their daughter. They have taken her to school to have education so that she can secure a bright future. Ariadne on the other side considers their level of strictness as a hindrance to her freedom. She complains of her parents and due to psychological distress she goes ahead to run away from home as she seeks her space and freedom from her parents. After she is traced back to her parents by the police officers, she attempts to commit suicide using her father’s prescription medication for high blood pressure. Her parent’s efforts to get her counseling bear no fruit when she avoids counseling sections. She also avoids school and later a bottle of pills and vodka are found in her room. From the details provided, it is clear that Ariadne is suffering from a psychological situation. She is abusing drugs and using pills as a way of avoiding and getting away from a real life that in real sense cannot be avoided at any cost.

Diagnostic skills and techniques applied

Several techniques were applied to screen for the level of addiction, aggression, and danger to the self and others who are closely related to the girl. The screening process was conducted basing on the counseling program and social related behaviors that are observed in different places ranging from the school, church, home, and many other parts that make up the normal society.
Looking at the level of addiction, the counseling session was not able to reveal much. However, a keen follow up on the new trends of not attending all the sessions in school and avoiding counseling meetings that would offer a good therapy session to help her recover revealed that there was a certain level of addiction in her. Specific follow up trends indicated that the level of addiction in her was threatening and needed permanent solutions to ensure that she was not getting out of track. The specific indications include coming across the vodka and pill bottles (Beaman, 2011). They are a clear indication that she is abusing them and in order salvage the situation, permanent solutions including rehab solutions must be installed.
The diagnostic skills of aggressions to danger to self were seen from a keen observation to her response to the therapy and personal conduct. The results clearly indicate that she has a dangerous level of aggressions and danger to the self. The use of killer drugs that are harmful to her health indicate that she no longer cares about what she takes into her system so long as she gets to her world of fantasy. Therefore, her level of aggression and danger to self is wanting and is one of the factors that must be addressed to ensure that she is safe in terms of her health and her life as well (Winters, 1999).
The level of danger to others is diagnosed by the way she handles herself when interacting with friends and peers. She seems to enjoy having friends and talking with people on the outside world compared to when she is at home. She has a lighter part of her life when she has friends and at this point, she forgets part of her problems. She seems to look at her peers and friends from school as the only people who are in a position to understand her current situation. Therefore, the level of danger to her friends and peers is not bad compared to the level of aggression to herself.
Most of her crisis and trauma events are risky and must be addressed with a lot of care and cancer. Her psychological situation will always seek ways in which she can get away from the real world into her fantasy world so that she can get away from the real world. In this case, she must be kept in an environment that will ensure her safety due to the high risk especially for the self (Ford, 2006). All the people who are involved in her social life must including the family, peers at school, the counselors involved in her therapy sessions must be on the look out to ensure that they do not put her in a compromising situation that can jeopardize her condition.
Several development and cultural interventions must be made to ensure that her condition is addressed to the point at which she is stable enough back to her normal state. Many people have a direct and indirect role to play in ensuring that her balance is maintained at all costs. Her parents back at home have a role to play in ensuring that their daughter is safe. They have a genuine reason to be strict over her and ensure that she is home on time. As much as they have the right to be overprotective of their daughter, they have to consider what she wants too. She has special needs that the two of them as parents must consider as see where adjustments could be made where possible (Myer, 2001). Therefore, they have to play along the needs of their daughter to ensure that they offer the simple things that make her happy at the same time consider her safety. In the end, they will be able to develop a close relationship that will enhance the stability of her condition. She has a close relationship with her friends and peers and by making their home part of the friendly environment, they will be able to offer their daughter a quick way of gaining back her stability.
The level of addiction in this case can also be addressed by using a more convenient way apart from offering counseling and therapy sessions. A rehab facility would be necessary in this case to ensure that the girl is led through a series of recovery programs. In this case, it can be seen that she has no problem interacting with people of her age. A rehab facility will offer an easy way of recovering because she will be led in a series of programs that will guide her to recovery. The facility will also offer a friendly environment by having many other people of her age who are going through the same program. Her recovery will be seen at the end of the therapy sessions that will be offered in the facility. Therapy sessions bear fruit in most cases where the victim gets a friendly environment.

Triage Assessment Form: Crisis Intervention

© by R. A. Myer, R. C. Williams, A. J. Ottens, & A. E. Schmidt

Crisis Event

Identify and describe briefly the crisis situation:
The paper presents a psychological context of a Hispanic girl who is seventeen years old. She complains of her parents and due to psychological distress she goes ahead to run away from home as she seeks her space and freedom from her parents. After she is traced back to her parents by the police officers, she attempts to commit suicide using her father’s prescription medication for high blood pressure.

Affective Domain

Identify and describe briefly the affect that is present. (If more than one affect is experienced, rate with number 1 being primary, number 2 secondary, number 3 tertiary.)

Anger/HostilityMost anger and hostility is directed only to parents where she feels they are offensive

The levels of anxiety only result to self danger and not to others who make up the peers and friends.
Sadness/MelancholyShe is sad when with parents but happy when with friends
Highlight the number that most closely corresponds with client’s reaction to crisis.
Behavioral Domain
Identify and describe briefly which behavior is currently being used. (If more than one behavior is used, rate with number 1 being primary, number 2 secondary, number 3 tertiary.)


The level of avoidance from her parents is the major behavior that is being used as a standard measure to rate her psychological stability.
____________________________________________________________________________________Behavioral Severity Scale

Highlight the number that most closely corresponds with client’s reaction to crisis.

Cognitive Domain
Identify whether a transgression, threat, or loss has occurred in the following areas and describe briefly. (If more than one cognitive response occurs, rate with number 1 being primary, number 2 secondary, number 3 tertiary.)

PHYSICAL (food, water, safety, shelter, et cetera):

Transgression ____3_ Threat ___4__ Loss ___6__

PSYCHOLOGICAL (self-concept, emotional well-being, identity):

Transgression ___2__ Threat __3___ Loss ___4__

SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS (family, friends, coworkers, et cetera):

Transgression __3___ Threat __4___ Loss _5____

MORAL/SPIRITUAL (personal integrity, values, beliefs):

Transgression 2_____ Threat ___3__ Loss ___4__

Cognitive Severity Scale

Highlight the number that most closely corresponds with client’s reaction to crisis.

Domain Severity Scale Summary

Affective ___2__ Cognitive ____3_ Behavioral 6_____ = Total ___11__


Beaman, N. (2011). Pearson's comprehensive medical assisting: Administrative and clinical competencies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Ford, R. B., Mazzaferro, E. M., Kirk, R. W., & Bistner, S. I. (2006). Kirk and Bistner's handbook of veterinary procedures and emergency treatment. St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Myer, R. (2001). Assessment for crisis intervention: A triage assessment model. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.
Winters, K. C., & United States. (1999). Screening and assessing adolescents for substance use disorders. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment.

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