Utopia In The Modern World Refers To An American-Styled Democracy Argumentative Essay Samples

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: People, Law, United States, Democracy, America, Power, World, Leadership

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/06

The United States has been presented as the leader of the free world for the past three centuries. The American-styled democracy has been exported to different parts of the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union. This trend goes far back to the 1800s when the United States sought to spread its form of democracy to nations in the Western hemisphere by adopting the Monroe Doctrine to protect the newly independent states in the Americas. This paper examines the position that the closest the world could get to an utopia is when all nations accept the American model of democracy.
In 1941, when the world was on the momentum for the Second World War was gathering, Becker defined the core elements of the American democratic system and why it is the most important and the most vital. First, he identified that the element of the American society is different because it embraced diversity by offering human rights and civil to all the people within its borders.
Becker posits that democracy is the best form of governance because it allows all the people or a significant number of the people who represent the common will of the people to freely act and participate in government. Also, American-styled democracy gives room for people to elect representatives who review the law and ensure that the law is serving the fundamental purpose of the society and the community.
An American-styled democracy is one in which there are impartial laws and definite rules that are consistently applied throughout the country. This is a fundamental difference that Becker identified in describing modern democracy as opposed to ancient democracies in Greece (146). These Greek democracies were based on myths, superstition and family structures. On the other hand, a modern American-styled democracy is based on objective and absolute rules and regulations that guide the conduct of all persons including the rulers and those who are ruled. This implies that the creation and maintenance of a constitution that regulates the core affairs of a country is the most important thing that we all need now. And if the rules are made by the people for the people, then it is apparent that there will be reasonable laws and regulations that will be implemented for the greater good of the people in the society.
The position of setting up objective and impartial rules and implementing them impartially seem to resonate with the proposition of Lao-Tzu. He argued that some things are more important for leaders of countries than just pursuing wealth, power and authority. His philosophy is important because at the time the United States became independent, Britain and other European nations that were the most “civilized” had monarchies and nobilities that chased nothing but wealth and power. These leaders did not think of their people, but pursued their interests to the detriment of the majority of people in the society and the community.
Lao Tzu asserts that there is the need for the “emptying of people’s minds” (205). And this means putting aside that desire for power and wealth. The American form of democracy was one that forced people to empty their minds when they took public office. This is because the constitution gave equal rights to all and sundry. This was complemented with laws and accountability standards that were essential in getting people to pursue attainable and useful ends that would help them and help the society.
In most nations in the developing world including nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America, there would be less suffering if the leaders of these communities literally “emptied their minds” as Lao-Tzu put it. And this will help to cut down on corruption, embezzlement and the neglect of persons going through the most extreme difficulties. Since the laws and the political traditions of these countries do not compel leaders to put aside their quest for power and wealth, the masses are suffering and there is little anyone can do about it.
Elsewhere in Europe and even the former Soviet Union, they have come to realize that a constitution that regulates the conduct of all leaders is important. It took several centuries of resistance from Europe and the Soviet Union before they accepted that the need for rights and regulations is important and vital.
One of the founding fathers of America, Thomas Jefferson stated before the breakaway from Britain, that the American breakaway from the parent country, Britain had to do with several needs like the requirement for equality and the protection of the rights for all (260). Clearly, where there are no protections for all, a country can only be a utopia for just the upper class and those who hold power. A country like North Korea is alleged to have major prison camps where people are sent to provide cheap labor for the development of the country. These people do not really need to commit any crimes to be sent to these camps. Although North Korea’s revolution was meant to create a paradise for the people, it is apparent that the process comes as a nightmare for some people.
Therefore a true democracy ought to set absolute and impersonal standards for all the people. This must protect the basic rights of all the people in the community and society.
In conclusion, the American democratic model involves three main things. First of all, it defines basic and fundamental rights that guarantee the protection of the minimum and basic rights of all citizens. Secondly, it involves creating a system where people freely participate in governance at various levels in order to create laws and also elect leaders. Thirdly, once in power, leaders are bound by objective, definite and impartial laws. This model of democracy is the best because it sets a minimum standard for all people to be protected. This lays the foundation for the creation of an utopia for all persons. Secondly, it prevents leaders from pursing power and wealth due to the fact that there are checks and balances and rules that prevents the abuse of power. Finally, the people have the power to identify issues that are not favorable and make changes so that the society becomes better because the democratic model is flexible and encourages citizens’ inputs.

Works Cited

Becker, Carl. "Ideal Democracy." Jacobus, Lee. A Workd of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. Bedford: St. Martins , 2013. 143-164. Print.
Jefferson, Thomas. "The Declaration of Independence." Jacobus, Lee. A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. Bedford: St. Martins, 2013. 259-268. Print.
Lao-Tzu. "Thoughts from the Tao-te Ching." Jacobus, Lee. A World of IDeas: Essential Readings for College Writers. Bedford: St. Martin's, 2013. 203-218. Print.

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"Utopia In The Modern World Refers To An American-Styled Democracy Argumentative Essay Samples." WePapers, Dec 06, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/utopia-in-the-modern-world-refers-to-an-american-styled-democracy-argumentative-essay-samples/
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"Utopia In The Modern World Refers To An American-Styled Democracy Argumentative Essay Samples," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 06-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/utopia-in-the-modern-world-refers-to-an-american-styled-democracy-argumentative-essay-samples/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
Utopia In The Modern World Refers To An American-Styled Democracy Argumentative Essay Samples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/utopia-in-the-modern-world-refers-to-an-american-styled-democracy-argumentative-essay-samples/. Published Dec 06, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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