Watching A Movie At The Theater Or At House Essays Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Cinema, Movies, Home, Theater, Family, Time, Friendship, Friends

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2021/02/16

It is obvious that many people prefer to spend their free time watching movies. Intriguing plots, fascinating characters, modern effects – all these factors contribute to people’s love for movies. However, for many people it is still hard to decide what is better: to watch films at house or at the theater. Both variants have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some people choose cinemas, while others prefer to stay at home and watch movies there. Tastes differ. As for me, I would rather choose to watch movies at the theater rather than at home.
First of all, I would like to mention that quite recently I went to the cinema. There I understood that I prefer to watch movies at the theater. Together with my friends we have chosen to see the Insurgent. Thus, the movie was great, and we received a whole spectrum of positive emotions. I enjoyed the image quality of the movie, as all the colors were bright and vivid. I suppose that this effect was achieved by viewing the movie on a large screen. For instance, when I watch films at home on TV, the image quality is not as great as at the theaters. The sound is not perfect as well. Thus, all movie theaters are usually well-equipped and always have professional sound systems. I should say that while watching the Insurgent movie, it was mainly professional sound system and perfect image quality that helped to get fully immersed into the movie’s world. This effect can be hardly achieved at home. And the same movies seem to be more spectacular and more impressive at the theater rather than at home. That is why watching movies at home brings less pleasure for the viewer.
Second, I would also like to mention the negative side of my last visit to the cinema. It was the money issue. Thus, when I returned home from the theater, I realized that I spent quite a lot. I spent some money on the tickets, which often are not cheap at the cinemas. Then I spent some amount of money on gas, as the distance from my house to the theater is quite long. Moreover, I spent a lot on popcorn and coke, which I bought at the theater. Indeed, I wasn’t hungry at all. But when I saw my friends buying some stuff, I decided to follow their suite. That is why a visit to the theater is usually quite expensive. And heavy expenses may be considered as the main drawback of going to the cinema. On the contrary, at home I never spend so much money. I don’t have to spend it on tickets or gas. And in case I want to chew something in front of TV, I simply go to the grocery and buy some products. They are usually cheaper in comparison to those that are sold at the theaters.
Third, the atmosphere is of great importance as well. Indeed, I suppose that it is mainly the atmosphere of holiday that makes me and my friends return to movies every other time. Thus, during my last visit to the cinema, I quickly immersed into the world of fantasy. I sympathized with the main character Beatrice, got impressed by the plot and received a whole spectrum of emotions. Moreover, it is possible to say that going to the cinema is rather social event. It gives a chance for friends and families to get together and have a great time. Therefore, I went to the theater with my close friends, and we spent a great time together. Thus, we laughed at movie’s funny moments, felt pity for some characters, got impressed by unexpected resolution. On the whole, we enjoyed the movie. But there were still some things that I didn’t like. For instance, during the whole movie we were distracted by one couple. Thus, they couldn’t stop talking and exchanging their commentaries throughout the movie. It was irritating. That is mainly why sometimes it is better to watch films at home. It is true that while watching movies at home one cannot be impressed to the fullest extent. But I always know that I won’t be distracted by anyone. At home it is also possible to put a movie to a pause and return to it at any moment you like. At the same time, I usually feel bored when watching movies at home.

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