White Truffles In Winter - Chapter Summaries Book Review Sample

Type of paper: Book Review

Topic: Literature, Books, Kitchen, Food, Villa, Family, Love, Cooking

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/02

Chapter summaries

This story is set on the home La Villa Fernand on the island of Monte Carlo on the blue waters of Cote d’Azur. La Villa Fernand was the grand manor house of Escoffier. Escoffier, who was a well-known cook and owner of a cafe by the name Le Faisan Dore meaning the golden pheasant, was a short man. Despite his diminutive size, he was an industrious, hard working and successful individual. He was everything a father could wish for his daughter. Delphine, the eldest of the three daughters of Paul Daffis had robust beauty with a straightforwardness that recommended an adventurous spirit. She was a respected poet and writer. She was successful and fearless courteously of her independence.
Their early days of marriage were spent in the kitchen of Le Faisan Dore in Cannes. Winter was a just a week away, and a menu had to be provided. It was during this time that Delphine had the first experience of being in a hotel kitchen. Her heart raced at the sight of him. He saw an entirely different man from what he thought he might be. La Villa Fernand, the residential home of the Escoffier’s and their grandchildren. La Villa Fernand had one humongous kitchen with a lot of utensils of all kinds. Sabine, an innocent girl with red hair, wilful eyes and a pronounced limp had never seen such a kitchen. Sabine was not a good cook, and she had a poor memory and instructions had to be repeated to her over and again to the extent that patients had to be exercised.
Sabine does well in thing care of the aging Escoffier and Delphine. It was Delphine’s wish that Escoffier would make her a meal that he had named Fraise Sarah. There was an agreement between Delphine and Sabine that Escoffier was not to know that he was making a meal for her. Delphine becomes bed-ridden and Sabine does all she can for the two. Chef Estes is introduced in this chapter as being a man who was soft spoken who was liked by both his staff and patrons. He was also not tribal. He was also the author of a series of cookbooks that he was well known.
Xavier was a red-haired looking dour-looking man. Escoffier had become friends with him during the siege of Metz and had come to Le Petite Moulin Rouge since he had no place to stay. His wife and children had been murdered when the Prussians came across the border.
Escoffier and the minister were having a conversation in the kitchen. He was not comfortable with conversations in the kitchen and soon it was exhausting. They spoke of how religion and politics had taken over and his love for France. Escoffier’s book “mousse d' ecrevisse” gives us an insight of how to cook crayfish mouse. From his other book “Le Roi des Cuisiniers et le Cuisinier des Roi”, Emperor Wilhelm II had named him King of Chefs and Chef of Kings.
Delphine becomes totally paralysed. She no longer could move every part of her body. Escoffier gives Sabine some few ethical lessons of how to be in a kitchen and some few lessons on what to use while making chicken and other receipts used when cooking. It had been a while since Delphine had seen Escoffier but he could hear him in his room the world around her was suddenly loud and glaring. She could smell everything that had a scent. Her nurses claimed they could not a thing.
Escoffier having some Champaign with Sabine in the kitchen tells her of how to look good. He continues giving her lessons on how to prepare meat. He told her that it was sweeter if made shortly after the death. The lessons continue. Escoffier continues teaching Sabine how to prepare meals. In this chapter, he shows her how to make liver. During their conversation, Sabine proposed that they make a meal for Delphine. Escoffier had been in a foreign land to the extent that the sound of the children playing was like a foreign novel written in a language that no one could read or speak. His love for cooking takes as through his procedure of making peace. . Two weeks after the Delphine, Escoffier died. The news of his death travelled so fast all over.

Reaction to the reading

I am astounded by how the author gives a story of two people with all their life has to offer. Be it love, the struggles along the way not forgetting the books on food and how to prepare them. Escoffier’s love for Delphine is clearly evident even in their old age. The author gives a unique touch to the cuisines that make me find this book interesting to read. Escoffier’s interaction with the ruling class in the society is another aspect that is demonstrated in this book and to a level that creates a relationship to a personal level. Escoffier is described as tiny in nature, but his works and the role he plays in this book is opposite and way too great. The way Escoffier explains what food gives me a different perspective of what I take it to be. I find the use of French in this book as a source of origin and associate it with the source of cuisines.
I find this book to have all ingredients to form an excellent book that will be read by many generations to come since it covers all aspects of life.

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"White Truffles In Winter - Chapter Summaries Book Review Sample." WePapers, 02 Dec. 2020, https://www.wepapers.com/samples/white-truffles-in-winter-chapter-summaries-book-review-sample/. Accessed 08 September 2024.
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WePapers. White Truffles In Winter - Chapter Summaries Book Review Sample. [Internet]. December 2020. [Accessed September 08, 2024]. Available from: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/white-truffles-in-winter-chapter-summaries-book-review-sample/
"White Truffles In Winter - Chapter Summaries Book Review Sample." WePapers, Dec 02, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/white-truffles-in-winter-chapter-summaries-book-review-sample/
WePapers. 2020. "White Truffles In Winter - Chapter Summaries Book Review Sample." Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. Retrieved September 08, 2024. (https://www.wepapers.com/samples/white-truffles-in-winter-chapter-summaries-book-review-sample/).
"White Truffles In Winter - Chapter Summaries Book Review Sample," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 02-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/white-truffles-in-winter-chapter-summaries-book-review-sample/. [Accessed: 08-Sep-2024].
White Truffles In Winter - Chapter Summaries Book Review Sample. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/white-truffles-in-winter-chapter-summaries-book-review-sample/. Published Dec 02, 2020. Accessed September 08, 2024.

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