Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Life, Hope, Disease, Health, Medicine, Illness, People, Death

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/07

Life is a cycle that needs magnitude people and the strong in heart. This brings perseverance and determination that comes from all edges to make a success from and impossible thoughts and feelings. This is a claim that is never disputed nor taken lightly in the American television movies the “Wit”. The director comes out in many occasions to prove right this claim through most of the deeds that characterizes the claim.
It’s an incredible thing to be strong in many challenging situations that we may face in life, positive thinking and approach to situations in a high integrity manner helps us develop the self esteem. In this way we find that we have added the lifespan. An example that supports my claim is on a story of Emma Thompson
It features Vivian who also bears Emma Thompson who is a professor of English literature and known for his immense and intense knowledge of Metaphysical poetry especially knowledge to do with John Donne’s Holy Sonnets. The life of Emma Thompson takes a turn when gets diagnosed with a terminal illness called ovarian cancer in the metastatic stage IV. An oncologist by names Harvey Kelekian prescribes a number of chemotherapy treatments aimed at treating the terminal illness. As Thompson suffers from the various symptoms and side effects of cancer and the treatment she was receiving like excessive vomiting, debilitating abdominal pains, and relentless fever, she tries to put everything in the perspective.
Through her story there is a good reason as to why we need to be persistent and fight through them in all ways to ensure that all is well at the end of it as she fought through back from her childhood through graduate with her terminal illness. Thompson in her screen play, continuously breaks the fourth wall when she gazes over the camera on a huge inmate feeling. But does she retire or does this weaken her faith? No life has to continue and she has to fight through no matter what it might bring. This is obvious our wish, that we should not lose hope in life but fight it through to our best.
As Miss Thompson’s illness proceeded to late stages, she agrees to undertake a number of other experimental trials irrespective of the negative attitude possessed by the doctors giving treatment to her that also include her former student by names Jason Posner. These doctors see Vivian less of someone to save but more as an experimental specimen for their enormous laboratory studies and only Audra McDonald known as Susie Monahan seems to give a damn and care about her illness and current situation.
Nevertheless, in life building a team is one thing that everybody should not discrete but think of it as a pillar to our guidance and help no matter we need one. Miss Thompson realized later on her advancement of sickness that there was need to have friends and never to be rude or hash to people. It reveals itself when she receives only one person; a graduate school Professor Evelyn Ashford. She was the only mentor of her life back in the graduate school life. The professor reads her excerpts and anecdotes from Margaret Brown’s book Runaway Bunny. She seems to ignore her insensitivity later as she nears the end of her life. Vivian realizes that she was rude when she was meant to be good and kind to more people. In her times of greatest needs, she gets to learn that human compassion is more of profound and philosophical significance than intellectual Wit. She later dies in the end. But she died reciting death not to be proud of in a small voiceover.
Quite often people who are infected with terminal illness and diseases tend to have a negative attitude toward life. They lose their personalities, sense of humor and their general behavior patterns change. It is partly because the more they think of the impending, unavoidable and irreversible death due to their illness, they lose hope and reason for living. However, the story of Vivian (Thompson) in Wit brings an important point to notice. She never lost hope in the last minute. She always explored all the available ways and options as provided by the science to seek a solution to a cancer problem.
In life, situations change the perception of how things should be done or approached. We begin to realize how we need each other in any situations or in any endurance of life. Although Vivian was suffering from cancer she comforted herself by even calling it a small tumor that is a size of a grape fruit. Her interagency as a true woman of valor makes her realize the need of comradeship, the need to seek to seek company in order to make resolutions in life, the need to consult and never to be selfish. As the months passed by, and a condition worsened, Dr. Bearing finds herself questioning her path and seeking something that she at first cannot identify.
Vivian realizes the need to have friends who will be by your side when need be. This was when she tried to look for some assistance, and that is when she turns to Jason the only person she had a proper cordial relationship within the hospital. Jason was a very dedicated person just like her. He had a great zeal, passion and huge dedication for a number of theories and puzzles of life this probably explains why the two got along with each other so easily. However Jason’s description of cancer as the only thing he has ever wished for and his admission of a great revulsion for humanity. She remains ambivalent, questioning her own history of disinterest in personal contact and sensitivity which could have been partly exasperated by her cancer illness.
The story of Vivian in Wit draws us to a very important aspect that keeps us upstream in everyday life situations right from the terminal illnesses all other life situations that we might not have a solution. Whereas there might not be any death of hope in this world, there seems to be an economy that is running and sustaining its self on hope and a number of dreams which at times may never be achievable but give a reason for living.
It is quite ironic, that even when hope appears to be inconsequential and fading in this life. It appears that it is usually the demise of hope that starts this life's battle normally emanates in the first instance. Many times people ask the significance of having hope seems to pinpoint in all life’s struggles and all counseling done to people of all sorts is mainly aimed at raising the falling hope in these people. No wonder it has been assumed that losing hope is tantamount to death its self because hope defines the life we live in and suicidal deaths normally arise when we lose hope for life. This lady instead kept her motivated and focused to having a positive life although she later died at the end of it all but reciting “death not to be proud of” in a small voiceover.
Vivian’s story is an inspiration that no matter the situation in life, we should never give up on our priorities we set to ourselves. She never gave up her academic research even when she was on the death bed. Even at the point when even the doctors despaired she always adhered to the tests and treatment hoping that maybe at one point she might win the strongest battle in her entire life.

Works cited

Nichols Mike Wit.HBO Home Video, 2001.Film.
Edson, Margaret. Wit. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1999. Print.

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WePapers. Wit Essay Samples. [Internet]. December 2020. [Accessed September 16, 2024]. Available from: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/wit-essay-samples/
"Wit Essay Samples." WePapers, Dec 07, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/wit-essay-samples/
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"Wit Essay Samples," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 07-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/wit-essay-samples/. [Accessed: 16-Sep-2024].
Wit Essay Samples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/wit-essay-samples/. Published Dec 07, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2024.

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