24 Dec 2019
The argumentative research paper is probably the most popular student assignment. And this is not surprising, because its main goal is to test the students’ ability to argue their position and their ability to think critically. Such papers explore two sides of the same coin, namely, of a controversial issue. At the same time, the author gives preference to one of the sides, providing strong arguments.
Argumentation should be based on logic, and text construction should reflect this logic and hierarchy of logical relationships, demonstrating how one idea flows from another. In fact, the argumentative research paper is a classic "benefits and shortcomings" or "pros and cons" model.
WePapers.com writers know inside out how to craft a perfect argumentative research paper and can do this within days or even hours!
When you studied in high school, you've probably faced with an argumentative essay. However, there is a difference between essays and research papers. Research work may be debatable and leave matters open. Research papers depend on other people's knowledge to prove the point, while essays are largely dependent on the author’s experience and thoughts. Thus, the research paper provides a genuine study performed by the author on a particular topic.
So what are some good topics for an argumentative research paper?
Research-worthy college topics may include student challenges, current public issues, some global problems, and the dangers that the world may face, possible changes in society and the state, etc. If you find it challenging to come up with a topic yourself, check out the best ideas for college argumentative research paper topics below!
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It's no secret that any society has its "hot points" – controversial issues that give rise to polar opinions. If you want to develop an effective argumentative research paper, controversial issues for analysis are exactly what you need. After all, with a provocative topic, it is easy to express your position and find arguments for and against.
Ready for a brainstorm? Here is a selection of the most interesting argumentative research paper topics. If your goal is to write a quality and deliberate research paper, you definitely need to pay attention to these ideas.
Topics on technology
Technology is what we cannot imagine our life without. Therefore, this field gives rise to a huge number of issues for study:
Topics on environment
Environmental issues are always a winning and relevant topic choice:
Easy Argumentative Research Paper Topics
The argumentative research paper is a common assignment for college students, especially for those who study history, sociology, political science, etc. These topic ideas can inspire you and become your starting point!
Topics on history
Historical events and concepts are always controversial and complicated. Developing a clear position on a historical issue and supporting it with arguments and facts is precisely what you need for your argumentative research paper:
Topics on education
What could be more relevant for a student than education issues? Here are some good ideas:
Decided to order research work? There is a word of advice for you. Don’t rush to just buy cheap paper from the first available company. Here at WePapers.com academic research paper writing service, we guarantee the originality and high quality of every delivered paper!